петък, 16 юли 2010 г.

When Big Mama's gettin really big

Inevitably after almost a month of not doing much in physical terms..... I gained weight. Not a lot, but its quite obvious to me and ppl around. Ok, let's not blame just the "non taining" part. I ate. And I drank. And I lyed down in bed with my torn calf and my self pity and I ate.

So I am not going to find any excuses for myself - I'm just gonna tell it straigh - I deliberately fattened myself, knowing very well what I was doing, and it just did not matter.


Well, I am human afterall. We all make mistakes.


Coz I was frustrated.

With myself

With my torn calf

With my job

And I didn't really share it without anyone. I just closed within my own world of self pity and... I ate.

The more I ate the more frustrated I became.

And it's a roller-coaster ride.

Guys please don't do this.

Food is not your friend, it will not solve your problems, it will not calm you down or give you peace. IT IS JUST FOOD. Yes, it is completely normal to be satisfied by eating tasty food, but it will not cure your emotions, or your broken heart, or your torn calf. And thats it. Food is food.
Fairenough. It's good to realize it, so I hope next time I'll be able to implement it. I don't really want to put so much stress into it. It ain't such a big deal afterall.... come to think of it - there are people who do much much worse things out of desperation. On the other hand - I'm a bit of a drama queen. Coz a torn calf is nothing compared to a broken leg for example, or cancer, or many many many other things that could have happened.

And Drama Queen ate foods which she knows she does not tolerate well like dairy and bread and pasta and some sweets here and there, and drank fair amounts of wine, and felt like a complete idiot. Stuffed and bloated and with low energy and low self esteem.

Thank God one day I just felt so crappy that I knew it was time to stop this nonsense.

Next time I hope I will look for my cure someplace else. But I can never be sure, until it's next time.

Bid mama's gettin big.

So what do we do now?

Back to basics.
Which inevitably means Paleo.
Taking out - the junk (wooow) , the grains, the legumes, the starchy veggies, the dairy.
So I'm pretty much left with - eggs, meats, greens, some melon, coconut milk, some nuts and some seeds.
I'm not much of a fruit person but if you are and if you tolerate fructose well - feel free to have reasonable amounts of fruit.
So why paleo?
Coz it's simple and very effective. It's based on the idea that back when we were primal there wasn't agriculture and stuff like grains and dairy and potatoes and so and so did not exist.
So basically thats what we are meant to eat. And thats what our bodies are meant to use as fuel.
Moreover Paleo is a very nutrient-dense diet (if I could call it a diet), and it will gimme back what ive taken with my one-month nonsense.
On the other hand - I realized just how bloated grains and dairy made me feel. And you can only realize this if you have spent a good amount of time without them. Like a month.
Paleo is like fine-tuning your own senses in a direction giving you quite a good idea of what you should eat and what foods you tolerate well. Coz actually when it comes to food intolerances I honestly say - WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT.
Ive seen people who eat shitload of fruit and are lean, others who eat shitload of rice and are lean, ppl who are vegetarians and have a fair amount of muscle, ppl who eat dairy, ppl who do not eat dairy, an on and on and on. So basically when it comes to food, I've seen it all and the only explaination I might have is - metabolically we are all different. So it all comes to getting to know your own self.
If I could draw a general conclusion - there are people who live better on fat, others who live better on carbs and some who need a little bit of both. Read Metabollic Typing for more info.
I've never actually seen people who look good and feel good and are strong and eat crappy foods.
So please - eat real food. This is a MUST. And when you are frustrated or sad or mad, do not do it like me. Coz crappy food will not make you happy. It will make you feel worse. Physically and mentally.

So Paleo. Give it a try. For a month. The famous "Paleo challenge" of all crossfitters where you do a very very strict diet for 30 days. No cheating.
Coz crossfit builds up mentalities not just physiques. And to do a 30-day strict Paleo is a mental thing believe me. You would have to fight with your own self as well as with the others. And your social life would suffer, but at the end - it's worthed. You might even see your abs.
And you will pump your workouts.

Today is day 4 for me.

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